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More about our Foundations Program

Your state of being is all you have control over. Everything else flows from there.  All your actions are downstream of your state of being.  

  • All the practices in this program and community are aimed at one thing: giving you control over your state of being.

  • These are your artist’s tools.  And your work of art is your life, and your life is defined by what you say, think, and feel.  Your life is defined by your state of being.  

  • And when you learn to deliberately craft, everyday, what you think say and feel (your state of being), your life will UpSpiral to extraordinary things, vibrant states of expansion and awareness, and a level of wellbeing that is a non-stop spilling over of gratitude, awe, appreciation, and love —an emotion the ancient Greeks called Agape: The highest state of being.  

  • You can learn to abide in agape (pronounced a-GOP-aay) most of the time.  It’s all about knowing that you are the creator of your own life, and deliberately living into that knowing moment by moment, day by day. 

  • The UpSpiral.Life Program is a set of tools and procedures, gathered over a 30+ year career, designed to help you master your personal energetics — your state of being.

  • The Universe is a responsive environment based in well-being.  It is an energetic playground where one vibration attracts similar vibrations and repels dissimilar ones.  

  • Since your state of being is a vibration (your vibe), it will attract and repel in every moment.  It will constantly attract more of what it is, and repel what it is not.  This is the Law of Attraction.  

  • Manifestation is happening every moment of everyday of your life.  Your vibe is never off, and the Law of Attraction is always in the full power position.  So, whatever life you are living has been created by you, whether you believe it or not.  And that is good news because right now in this moment you can decide to begin deliberately creating your life.  You can decide right now to begin steering your own life exactly the way you want, and the way to do that is to control your vibe (your state of being).  The UpSpiral.Life Program and Community will provide you the tools to do exactly that.  

  • It feels like magic, and frankly it is.  It is magic explained, the workings laid plain. The mechanism of magic revealed.  â€‹

  • Come join the magic!

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